Safe guard your cows with animal welfare monitoring

By using the animal welfare monitoring included with Cattle Care, you can ensure your cows are treated with care and respect; leading to a more peaceful and productive environment in the milking parlor.

Safe your cows with animal welfare monitoring

Protect your herd, enhance your yield!

Ensuring the well-being of your cows is not just about ethical farming—it's also about productivity. By preventing critical abuse, you can maintain healthier cows, leading to better milk quality and higher yields.

When cows are stressed or mistreated, their milk production can decrease significantly. Additionally, mistreated cows are more prone to illnesses.

By preventing critical abuse, you can keep cows healthy, leading to higher yields and reduced veterinarian costs.

How can we help improve welfare on your dairy?

Enhance animal welfare and increase overall productivity by transforming Cattle Care reports into actionable insights.

Routines Monitoring

Harmful Activities Monitoring

Our system continuously monitors the milking parlor and holding area for any signs of harmful activities. By detecting actions like rough handling, or shouting we ensure your cows remain stress-free and productive.


Detect harmful or unusual activities

Activity Recording and Accountability

Each detected incident is recorded and assigned to the responsible worker, fostering a culture of accountability. This helps in training staff and improving overall handling practices, ensuring your cows receive the best care.


Easy to read performance reports

Comprehensive Farm Reports

Access detailed reports that compile data from across your entire farm. These reports highlight trends, and provide insights into overall animal welfare, allowing you to make informed decisions to improve farm operations.


Here’s what Cattle Care customers have to say:

Cattle Care's technology is going to revolutionize the management of the milking parlor on dairy farms in a very positive way.

Larry Dutra review about Cattle Care
Henry Bosma

Granger, WA. Milking 7,000 cows

Start improving your milking process!

Interested in booking a free demo? Fill out the form below to chat with one of our team members about a free Cattle Care demo for your operation!

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(209) 308 8466
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Make you cows happy!

Make your cows happy!