Seconds to Success: Optimize the Milking Process for Maximum Efficiency

Monitor your parlor efficiency by breaking down routine timing: Loading time, Bacteria kill time, stimulation time, prep lag, order of attach, attach time, milking time, and turn time.

Safe your cows with animal welfare monitoring

Cattle Care monitors efficiency metrics for each employee, providing insights into who is helping or hindering maximum efficiency.

You can turn this data into actionable insights to help better educate each worker based on their specific needs.

Individual Approach

Which metrics do we monitor?

Kill Bacteria TimeKill Bacteria Time

Kill Bacteria Time

Studies show that 30 seconds of predip contact is the goal for optimal bacteria kill on the teat surfaces. Bacteria killing is an important factor in milk quality and udder health. Usually, that can only be monitored by standing in the parlor with a stopwatch... but Cattle Care does it for you.


Prep Lag TimePrep Lag Time

Prep Lag Time

1-2 minutes is ideal for prep time lag. Prep lag is the time from initial stimulation until the milker is attached. This can include dipping, wiping/brush and stripping. The goal here is to maximize milk flow and ensure you are getting every drop of milk to the tank. Cattle Care shows how well your milking parlor is working, even on Saturday nights.


Order of AttachOrder of Attach

Order of Attach

You have a standard operating procedure in your parlor, let Cattle Care help you ensure that procedure is being followed. Proper order of attach is crucial for optimal prep time. For example, attaching machines starting with the last cow can ruin stimulation time for the entire group.


Timings for EverythingTimings for Everything

Timings for Everything

Cattle Care keeps track of all important times, including loading time, stimulation time, attach time, milking time, and turn time. This allows you to check and improve each step of the milking process.


Improve your milking process!

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(209) 308 8466
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